
Basics of Internet

Gone are the days when encyclopedia was confined to book shelves. Today knowledge is easily accessible thanks to the internet. However for the common man, the very people who should be benefiting form the cyber revolution, even the basics of computer use and internet look like a difficult task. Hence Yuvarashtra volunteers engage themselves in teaching the basics of internet like how to create, use mails, searching different subjects through Google, Yahoo, Bing like search engines. They also teach them the fundamentals of computers including hardware and software components like CPU, RAM, ROM, Network, Word Package etc. Vedic Mathematics

India gave the world zero and trigonometry but we are still in the dark about our rich heritage. Our volunteers will enlighten the people on the basics of Vedic Mathematics by conducting some short courses and explaining the meaning of Sanskrit words and slokas and also the fund of knowledge compiled by Aryabhata and other scholars, how an almanac (panchanga) was done and how we could calculate exactly the position of moon, sun and other planets eons ago. This would go a long way in enhancing the knowledge of society and instilling in them some national pride as well.


Yoga is not just an exercise for the body. It helps rejuvenate the body and the soul alike, spiritually. Volunteers from Yuvarashtra would conduct free yoga camps to house wives and students. This will also cover the jail inmates to enhance their rehabilitation process so that on their release they would emerge as morally upright persons, purged of all their sins, no more indulging in crime.

Career Counseling

Our volunteers would also conduct counseling on various professional courses, vocational courses to match one’s merit, talent and skills. This would be basically for the 10+2 stream. They would guide them on the courses available and also the budget, scholarships, education loan schemes available etc so that even an average student who is talented otherwise, would find a course to match his or her liking and will not feel lost.

Sports and Cultural Activities

Above all else, fitness matters most. Our volunteers choose students having a flair for sports and encourage them to opt for sports as a career. We create an awareness about the different Govt. (State or central), private/corporate houses, sports authorities scholarship, schemes etc available to the talented sports persons. The same way, we pick upcoming talents in music, dance, theatre and other cultural activities and guide them on the avenues available for them to explore opportunities and hone their talents further.

Counseling for Parents

Parents need to exercise utmost caution and restraint in molding the personalities of their children. Too much pressure or too laxity, both would backfire. Hence we conduct counseling for parents as well. We get it done by professionals with insight into behavioral psychology, personality traits etc. so that their children would not suffer from any personality disorder thereby being a burden to the society. We make sure the parents goad them to be good citizens who love their nation like their parents. It is good parenting that leads to good nation building.

Help the Kannada Medium Schools to be at par with English Medium Schools

Under this program ,our volunteers will identify the Kannada Medium govt. Schools where a good number of students belong to the under privileged sections of our society and who may not get proper guidance at home.Thereafter the Volunteers will open a Multi-Dimensional Library inside the school campus and which will be equipped with the latest version of Computers with internet facility ,Science Lab ,and arrange for Training the Faculty and the students to understand and learn Science with more practical experiments rather than a theoretical approach.

Exchange Organic Manure with Organic Food between Farmers and Apt. Owners

This initiative is concerned with the Farmers requirement for Organic Manure which can be met by the Organic Manure which are generated by the Wet Waste to Organic Manure Converter Plants to be installed by all the big apartments in Bangalore as per new BBMP Norms. The Organic Food Requirement by the apartment owners of those big Apartment complex can in turn be directly supplied and sold by the same Organic Farmers who will come to collect the Organic Manure from that apartment complex on the same day. Started preliminary discussion with BBMP to establish a small working model of the above arrangement by identifying at least a few Big Apartments who have already installed the captive Wet Waste to Organic Manure Converter plants so that we can then work with those apartments and link up the farmers to implement a working model of this proposal through the formation of a co-operative society with Farmers.

Teach Kannada Language for non-Kannadigas

This initiative is aimed at helping the non-Kannadiga professionals to easily learn Kannada language by leveraging the similarity of Kannada with other Indian languages.

Help Citizens to resolve Civic issues/othergrievances wherever possible

Under this initiative ,we plan to help the common Citizens of Bangalore to adopt Innovative,out of box solutions to resolve urgent and pressing civic issues.With respect to getting govt. services in a timely manner,we also intent to educate people about some successful govt. initiatives like SAKALA ,Online Voter ID Registration and other Govt. Services available to resolve such issues. As far as the grievances of common men with respect to poor quality of services from vendors of tangible or non-tangible goods,we can guide the aggrieved to seek suitable help from Consumer Court or other legal forums.

Economic Literacy

With 800 million youth population, one of India’s competitive advantages is its demographic dividend. When the proportion of working people in the total population is high, the potential for productivity and contribution to the growth of the economy, results in demographic dividend. With a cheap labour force, vast English speaking population, third largest pool of engineers, abundant natural resources, large domestic demand base and high savings rate, our country has the potential to be an economic powerhouse. The need of the hour is for the youth of the country to proactively drive the economic decisions of India and make it a super power.